Welcome to St Mary’s Primary School
Today Year 2 had their first lesson with Miss King from the Jersey Music Service. They played some games to help them learn about keeping the beat, played a range of percussion instruments, learnt some sign language and had a go at body percussion! We will continue developing our musical skills throughout the term and parents will be invited in to watch a concert at the end of March (Mrs Webb will email with a date and time)
Year 2 had an exciting start to the term with a visit to the Jersey Museum and the Royal Square to start their learning about the Battle of Jersey.
Just a reminder that there are no clubs in the first and last week of term. (Samurai may be different, as they are a private provider, but they should have contacted participating families directly.) Clubs will be up and running from Monday 13th January
We are looking forward to seeing you all today. It's windy out there, so take it slow and steady!
Merry Christmas to all our pupils and their families! We hope you all have a wonderful day. A special Merry Christmas to Year 2 from Patches! He's enjoying the holidays but misses you all!
Just a reminder, there will be no Sports Bug clubs this final week of term.
Thank you to those families that have supported the Giving Tree so far. The last day for donations is Tuesday, so please send in any dry and durable foodstuffs by then. This year we will be supporting The Grace Trust.
Year 5 Elves have been busy helping Santa find a new surface for the base of his sleigh. They planned and carried out their own group investigations, testing out many different surfaces, deciding which had the most/least amount of friction.
Early Years have had a magical visit to St Peter's Church to visit the Christmas Tree Festival
We have had an absolutely joyful week of performances. Unfortunately, we only took a couple of photos! The Foundation Stage Nativity was scrumptious - beautiful singing, clear, loud voices, lovely dancing! And the two Carol Services were full of Christmas warmth and energy - they delighted everybody. Well done to the whole school! Thank you to Mrs Bailey in particular, and Mr Michel for setting up the stage.
This week in the Celebrating Culture and Languages SMART group, we found out about the Jewish festival of Hannukah. We also learnt about Christmas traditions in other countries such as the sparkly spider webs that Ukrainian people place on their Christmas trees to bring wealth and good luck. We also talked about our own family Christmas traditions and made some pomanders with oranges and cloves which are still very popular in some European countries.
Hot lunches dates - make a note of these, so that you don't miss out!